

Chocolate, hazelnut and zucchini mousse

It's summer time when :

a. your garden is full of beautiful tiny zucchini.
b. your neighbour/cousin/father-in-law gives you full baskets of zucchini twice a week.
c. you go to a farm to pick up fruits and vegetables and you can't stop picking up. You have too much zucchini.
d. your family is tired of eating zucchini gratin.

Whatever is your answer, we've never enough recipes with zucchini, right ? I made this mousse for a all-zucchini meal, it is light, tasty, and I promise nobody will figure out your secret ingredient !

Chocolate, hazelnut and zucchini mousse

Makes about 50cl of mousse
- a medium zucchini, about 300g
- 75g chocolate
- 50g hazelnut butter
- 40g agave syrup (adjust to you taste)
- 1g agar agar
- 3-4 Tbsp milk (vegetal milk if you want a vegan dessert)

Peel and cut the zucchini in pieces. Steam until tender and place in a mixer.

Meanwhile, cut the chocolate in small pieces. Add it in the mixer with the hazelnut butter and agave syrup. Pulse until chocolate is melt.

In a small pan, mix well the agar agar with the milk. Give it a boil, pour onto the zucchini mixture and mix well. Place immediatly the mousse into small glasses. Let cool then refrigerate. This mousse is better when chill !

If you're out of ideas to cook all your zucchini, you can have a look to my french recipes here.

And if I had to choose three of them, that could be :

- the zucchini carpaccio with balsamic caramel - click -
- the raw zucchini salad with lemon, herbs and goat cheese - click -
- courgettine, a one-dish meal with zucchini, rice and cheese - click -

No more excuses to say beuuuuuhhhh to this vegetable !

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